News - Red Dawn

So yeah, you might be wondering how Patrick Swayze will fit into this post. He doesn't. At all, but how often are you able to fit in a reference to Swayze and pre-detrailment Charlie Sheen while talking about fish? Christmas for the blogger.When you think Alaska salmon, you think pictures of massive King salmon. The fish itself might sit in the freezer until it's discarded, but the picture endures. The first deliveries of Copper River King salmon to Seattle get first page treatment. The pilot poses, slimy handed, with a 30-pound fish ready to be chunked then devoured for $30 a plate in the Emerald City.Red salmon get their attention when people talk about saving Bristol Bay by opposing Pebble Mine. Red salmon are fantastic, beautiful fish. Before they turn red, they are just as chrome as the Kings and Cohos, just minus the spots. Alaskans eat sockeye salmon like Kansans eat beef or chicken. I've taken back jars of sockeye, and eaten the fish with nothing but crackers and water. They do not need to be buried beneath a pile of rice.This article is a big deal. On a side note, Red Dawn is probably 99-cents at Target or Wal-Mart, so if you don't own know what to do.


The previously unknown option C


Upper Sac and McCloud river fishing video