Sometimes the fish can wait

No complaining here. Yesterday at this time I was rushing out the door unshowered, under-fed and decaffeinated to get to the Thorne River. Today I woke up knowing I only had two weeks left of my summer in Alaska and needed to adjust my attitude before moving on. And no, not just because a happy fisherman catches more fish. I whine a lot at the end of my summers home but I've got no real complications. People come to Alaska for a 5-day trip of a lifetime. I've got 14 days here in front of me and 56 behind.My life is a Zac Brown Band song - minus 'rolling a fat one', body parts in sand, tequila and romance.I spend every sunset in a plastic lawn chair; the ocean in front of me, campfire to my right and home behind. What kind of a jerk would complain when that's going on?The good days will end, until then I've got silvers on the Thorne and knife-wielding friends to talk fishing and poke campfires with.Life is good today.


The tales of a non-working fisherman


When isn't as important as what