From good to great

(SitNews) Klawock, Alaska - Sometimes you have one of those daysNo, not one of those days you need everyone to clear a path and midnight to come with a quickness, one of those days the world lets you on the other side of the velvet rope. It’s the type of day that makes up for the hours sitting in torturous general education classes freshman year, or getting back to the dock on your kicker because the main engine caught cholera and shut down six hours ago.Days like this balance out the one you lost because you were melancholy over breaking up with the right one or after realizing you were going after the wrong one.It’s one of those days which make you a supreme optimist. Optimist Prime. It’s also the type of day that makes you not care about cheesy jokes, puns, titles or allusions.Put simply, it’s a day that works out better than planned.Mine started with the idea to snowshoe up my favorite hike, then reacquaint myself with snowboarding.See full column at:


Deer dinner in cozy Klawock


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