Decisions, decisions

Technically, my graduate school summer work ended Aug. 1, but I finished my final projects early because the weather forecast said it would be sunny.I had an "A" going into those two items, so though they were worth a considerable portion of my grade, I figured I didn't need the extra time to do the good job I'd do anyway - why not get it done and out of my life. Right?Sun has been at a premium of late, so I had a moral obligation to get out and do something great. Since early June, I had reading, online tutorials, assignments, projects and discussions to ensure I was absorbing the content necessary to become a Master of Journalism Education in the eyes of Kent State University.That was all finished, so I had to decide. Though the season has opened for subsistence hunters, there are those who are waiting to let those velvet coated racks get a little more growth. Others are out there harvesting meat, only slightly caring about head growths. Then some don't care at all. Meat is meat. You can't eat the horns.So there's that, but it's not my time yet. I moved here in October, I don't get the federal subsistence perks until I've spent my 12 months. So hunting was out, but shooting a big buck with my camera is something I've done before. I like to hike and fix my lens on wild beasts, so that was a definite possibility.I'm one of those guys who doesn't mind doing the work. "Where" is just as important as "what," which is a perfect transition to fishing.See full column at:


Football isn't everything in August


Beating some excitement into the summer