Anytime is a good time to fish

(SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska - I’m almost always fishing. Even when I’m not, because I’m always thinking about the next trip to new or familiar water.I went to an unnamed river and caught some steelhead this past weekend. All social media apps want to reveal my location to everyone, so I decided to be defiant and change the location to the Los Angeles River before my obligatory Facebook post. It was the most ridiculous, steelhead-free body of water I could imagine. If you’re not familiar with the Los Angeles River, it’s where the big car race in Grease happens and where John Connor flees the Terminator. The LA River corridor is home to over 1 million people. That’s combat fishing.Anyway, the fishing where I really was, was great. I landed a 33-inch steelie with two deep-red racing stripes and a couple which were just losing their chrome glow. Others weren’t quite as pretty, but a native steelhead is a native steelhead, especially when people down south spend hours and hours hoping for just one pull or live next to a riverbed of concrete.These soothing memories help fuel future trips and act like a balm when life gets complicated. It’s like an emotional fetal position. For example, a lady has 24 items in the 15 item express line, and rather than keeping her head down in shame, she turns and smiles. I’m not amused, so I go fishing in my head. Mmmm steelhead.See full column at:


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