Finding a reason while losing the way

Sometimes it's better if you just give up. Stop trying. Quit. The type of stuff you don't see on t-shirts or shoe commercials. Well, you might find a shirt that promotes general apathy toward work ethic at a store like Hot Topic or Spencer's Gifts, but I'm not talking about edgy humor. I'm talking about, Dude, no. Tuck the tail. Cease. I did that the other day and it was without a doubt the right thing to do. I took a left off the main road onto a logging road perforated by water bars. I went maybe 20 yards, parked, got out, and started walking. It's funny how easily "perfectly straight" becomes "imperceptibly diagonal." So when you start to make your way back to where you know the truck is, you end up in a little ravine previously known only to woodland creatures. See full column at:


Ghosts of alpine past


Shrinking the world