What are your big 3?

Everything tracks performance, except, for the most part, us. Every school, business, whatever tracks the data of assessments, sales or whatever. So why don't we track our individual months? Seriously. Why don't we take a minute and say, "Okay, how did I do in September?"It makes sense to keep track of workouts, but I feel to properly get the most out of living in Ketchikan, Alaska, I have to go a little further. If I wanted to just have a cool gym life, I could live anywhere.I moved back to Alaska in 2013 and have experienced time moving from season to season faster than it ever has because winter, spring, summer and fall have become steelhead, bear, salmon and deer. The speed clip is terrifying because I’m going to wake up tomorrow and be 50.So, I am going to keep track of three things every month to make sure I have lived well: 1. Days hunted or fished 2. Days worked out and 3. Money saved for my next adventure. The next being a grizzly bear hunting trip next August. (I’m going to California in June too).This of course is under the assumption I don’t cheat my work-week responsibilities which are high school English teacher, mentor and girl’s basketball coach. (More on the mentor thing later).Anyway, from Sept. 6 to 30, I worked out 17 days and hunted six. Not bad. I didn’t get to work out the first five days of the month because two of my buddies from California were in town to hunt black bear, so if I add the first week of the month, my work out days don’t increase, but days hunted bumps to 10.Outside of only saving 20 bucks for my grizzly hunt, I feel like I lived September pretty well, which is the point of being alive, living. Right? Not just getting situated to “make it through” winter.Bring on October.


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