Hold the excitement, we're not there yet

November of 2009 was the second time I had run California’s “Run the River” half marathon course, so I knew what to expect. The American River, which cuts through Sacramento, would be just inviting enough to make me wonder why I was running rather than fishing, but not clear and fishy enough to keep me from paying for the race.The last .1 of the 13.1-mile course would feel longer than it should because the noise of the finish line crowd carries. After 13 miles, one-tenth of a mile is nothing, right? Just around the corner. Nope. Just around the other corner. Nope. One more. But I knew this so I waited until I saw the end to get excited. Having gorged on post-race eats, my buddy Nate and I walked back toward the shuttle bus that would take us back to my truck. There was a woman struggling through the last few corners, crying.“Almost there, you got this,” Nate said.“No, I don’t. Don’t lie to me.”“Seriously, it’s just around that corner.”“No it’s not; don’t lie to me. This will never end.”She was broken.See full column at:http://www.capitalcityweekly.com/stories/022818/ae_1278942172.shtml


Episode 29 - DIY caribou bowhunting in arctic Alaska


Episode 28 - Corby Weyhmiller