Column: Caution, eating season is here

IMG_4217Here we go. The triumvirate or trash food is upon us.Leftover candy takes us right to the glorious, albeit gluttonous, Thanksgiving holiday and finally, egg nog with cousin Eddie all the way through New Year’s Eve when we try to kick it all.That’s the problem with this time of year because we spend two months practicing some of the worst eating of the year, create new habits under the guise of “‘tis the season,” then try to stop it all suddenly, because the year changes.Now is the time to be strong especially if you are in the routine of making resolutions that don’t last past March Madness.According to a Factoid Nation Study funded by the Factless Foundation for what Could Be True, most New Year’s Resolutions are doomed to fail thanks to the catastrophic eating and workout tendencies which start with Halloween.See column at:


Episode 65 - Rut failures, why I bow hunt and last thoughts on Prop. 1


Column: Longing to belong