Episode 99 - Humility in an ego-driven field

Skyline bucksThough we identify as hunters and anglers, we are hunting and fishing only a fraction of our lives. We have to make sure we take care of ourselves in the offseason too. If we are lucky enough to be outdoors 100 days out of the year, that's less than a third of our annual days. What are we doing with the rest of our lives? And if we are totally at the mercy of success so we can tell other people how awesome we are as anglers or hunters, we run the risk of being too dependent on success for fulfillment. The better shape we are in emotionally and physically for our hunt or trip, the better the experience.https://soundcloud.com/user-139657843/episode-99-bringing-humility-to-an-ego-driven-field/s-YhTlI


Episode 100 - Mindset for business and life


Episode 98 - Favorite Flies and Legendary Rivers