All about style
Southeast Alaska style is about functionality. Keep us dry, keep us warm.
I was listening to a podcast in which writer David Coggins was talking about style.
It was funny because there I was in jeans and a flannel shirt made by a company that specializes in performance bars for outdoorsy people. Coggins looks like the type of pretentious East-Coaster to whom I wouldn’t pay attention, but I couldn’t help but get caught up in his words.
When the podcast ended, I went to his website and read about style, class, about elite eating/drinking establishments and fly fishing. The guy and I have nothing at all in common except we like to write, fish and speak English. But I liked it and again checked when his book about fly fishing was set to release in paperback.
Well, after I had finished clicking around his website, I pondered what he said and what he wrote, all the while wondering what it was that even held my interest. He’s outside my genre.