Column: Make 2019 Great

IMG_5008.JPGSITNEWS - I am way late this year on my Resolution. I know the deadline was Jan. 1, but I just can’t decide. Here’s what I have so far, each so vital to being a vibrant human in contemporary society.

Blame more people.John Wooden once said, “If you lose a close game, blame the officials, that way you don’t have to think you didn’t work hard enough.” I learned this early in my coaching career and it helped tremendously. I wanted my players to constantly think that their success or failure is it not up to them. Now that I’m not coaching, I want to apply this to my life in general.

Believe everything I hear or read.There is only one person who deserves the benefit of the doubt, me...See full column at:


Episode 75 - "Obsolete" Man Skills


Episode 74 - Failing with grace